Remote Signalling

CTS provide Remote Signalling solutions nationwide

By having a monitored security system you are ensuring that your property and assets are watched over 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This includes the monitoring of intruder and personal attack alarms as well as associated perimeter detection devices and systems.

Remote Signalling with CTS

Simply detecting an intruder and operating local sounders (bells or sirens) at the building is not enough, help should be summoned without delay. Traditional bell-only alarms may alert staff or passers by, but outside business hours they offer little protection. Due to an increase in false alarms in the 1990's Police forces will now not respond to a ringing bell or siren unless there is evidence of an offence in progress or a 999 call is made with information about an offence being committed. A monitored alarm can provide a confirmed signal to pass to the emergency services – often a requirement of your insurers.

Remote Signalling Solutions

Keyholders for the protected building will also be notified, keyholders can include building managers or keyholding response companies who can ensure that the premise is secure after an incident and take any actions required quickly to minimise impact on your business.

Custom Technology Solutions offer traditional signalling solutions such as CSL DualCom and RedCare as well as IP signalling technology such as Emizon.

Our Other Intruder Detection Services


Graded Intruder Alarms


Integrated Solutions


Maintain Your Existing System

Our Other Intruder Detection Services


Graded Intruder Alarms


Integrated Solutions


Maintain Your Existing System

If Your Looking For Remote Signalling Services, Contact Us Today
